This course is packed with pragmatic and practical sales tactics and strategies you can use today!


Many of the videos in this course are solutions to common and frequently reoccurring challenges that occur in most sales calls.


Use them to help you quickly and easily improve your results.


You will also find “concept” videos on how to think about various facets of your sales process or effort. They will help you to better understand the "big picture" so you can more successfully navigate your sales process.


Additionally, many of the videos also include tools and other resources you can use to help ensure your success.

Here's what you get...


This is the current list of course videos*

  1. The Next Step
    An effective method for improving the quality of your follow-up calls
  2. Out of the Box
    A tactic used at the very end of your calls that creates windfall opportunities. I believe this tactics video could easily pay for this course many times over.
  3. Selling Versus Telling
    Stop a terrible sales habit, telling, and maximize the power of your sales conversations
  4. The 4 Whys
    Four key questions prospects want answered that will improve your ability to engage prospects successfully.
  5. The Circular Presentation
    A "thinking framework" for improving sales process execution
  6. The Customer Prospect Sandwich – 3 sales tactics
  7. The Imperfect Solution
    A concept video on presenting your offer more effectively
  8. Presenting the Imperfect Solution
    An application video to help you in the execution of the Imperfect Solution method
  9. Energy, Enthusiasm and Passion
    3 powerful keys to leveraging and improving your presentation voice - extremely helpful in prospecting
  10. Contagious Productivity
    How to to greatly increase the number of calls you can make and get a quality bonus to boot - you'll make better calls
  11. Engaging Prospects 1
    ​The secrets to written sales communication, for writing emails and other messages or information you send to your prospects or customers
  12. Engaging Prospects 2
  13. Engaging Prospects 3
    *NOTE: New videos will be added to the course over time

EVERY video in the course has tutorial homework to assure your application, mastery and success. Additionally, you have direct email support from me for additional help.



Buy NOW and you will receive all new videos added to this course over time -- FOREVER! (There are currently at least 3 more tactics videos in the works.) 


I am constantly finding new challenges that need to be addressed. When I do, I create new videos to address them, and you'll get them ALL!


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